ML-guided Search Algorithms for Multi-Agent Path Finding

ML-guided Search Algorithms for Multi-Agent Path Finding


Multi-agent path finding (MAPF) is the problem of finding collision-free paths for agents in a shared environment that minimizes their total travel time. It is an NP-hard problem that has important applications for distribution centers, traffic management and computer games. Various search algorithms have been proposed to solve MAPF combinatorially. Search algorithms, such as Conflict-Based Search (CBS), are guaranteed to find optimal solutions. To trade off runtime with solution quality, bounded-suboptimal search algorithms, such as Enhanced CBS (ECBS), have been proposed to find solutions with a guaranteed approximation ratio and are more scalable than optimal search algorithms. To find solutions even faster, unbounded-suboptimal search algorithms, such as Prioritized Planning (PP) and Large Neighborhood Search (LNS), drop optimality guarantees to find solutions even faster. There are a handful of decisions in these search algorithms that concern partitioning the search space, prioritizing search space exploration and pruning the search space. Thus, they typically have a big impact on the efficiency and/or effectiveness of the search. In the past decade of research on MAPF, those decisions have mainly been made manually by humans. In this research, we show that one can leverage machine learning to improve decision-making in various types of search algorithms for MAPF and introduce CBS+ML, ECBS+ML, LNS+ML and PP+ML. Specifically, we apply general machine learning techniques to learn (1) which conflict to resolve next in CBS, (2) which search tree node to expand next in ECBS, (3) which part of the solutions to improve next in LNS and (4) which priority to assign to agents in PP. In these four settings, we deploy imitation learning to imitate slow but effective experts and reduce the ML task to learning-to-rank problems where the ML models rank available decisions. Empirically, we demonstrate that our ML-guided search algorithms show substantial improvement in terms of the success rates, runtimes and/or solution qualities over their state-of-the-art non-ML-guided counterparts on several different types of grid maps from the MAPF benchmark.



Please cite our papers if you find them useful in your research.

  title={Learning to resolve conflicts for multi-agent path finding with conflict-based search},
  author={Huang, Taoan and Dilkina, Bistra and Koenig, Sven},
  booktitle={AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence},
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  booktitle = {Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI)},
  pages     = {9368--9376},
  year      = {2022}
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