About me

I am a Ph.D. candidate in Computer Science at University of Southern California. I am co-advised by Professor Bistra Dilkina and Professor Sven Koenig.

In 2019, I received my B.E. in computer science from Yao Class at Tsinghua University.

From May to December in 2022, I was a research scientist intern at Meta AI, FAIR, where I worked closely with Benoit Steiner and Yuandong Tian. In Summer 2021, I was a research scientist intern at Amazon Robotics where I worked with Vikas Shivashankar. In Spring 2018, I was a research intern at Carneige Mellon University advised by Professor Fei Fang. In Summer 2018, I was a research intern at The University of Hong Kong advised by Professor Zhiyi Huang.

My research interests lie in artificial intelligence, with a focus on multi-agent systems, combinatorial optimization, machine learning, computational game theory and computational sustainability.



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